Dine in without queuing? Come try Dinescape!

3 min readJan 9, 2021



This was the first dummy project at Purwadhika Startup & Digital School started in early August 2020 with Muhammad Fahmi & Iman Kurniawan.

We all worked together on discussing the concept, idea and research while Iman was more into the interface design also logo. This dummy project supervised directly by Herru Adi Vian (Mr).

Knowing the needs to dine in at the fast food restaurant without queuing was on demand, we tried to do something to solve this matter but if you wonder why we chose fast food restaurant, simply because the affordable price for almost all generations and no limitation time spent needed for dine in.

First, we picked the application name based on internal voting on Figma. From 6 name options, fortunate enough, the name I suggested, ‘Dinescape’ (stands for dine and escape), got the higher vote. Yeay!

Application name voting by Annisaa, Fahmi & Iman

Afterwards, based on the discussion, we set Target Market, Purpose of the Application, Metrics and Role. Role was important to understand the needs and desires of each status for running the business.

The discussion continues to decide user behaviors, pain points and ideation (before the app exists).

Before continuing to conduct the quantitative research, we also considered several important things such as competitor, potential problems, probability unsolved problem, business view, benefit for user & seller

At this stage, we conducted quantitative research on 15 testers with various backgrounds by direct phone and text chat. The queries and result compiled as follows:

Quantitative Research for Dinescape

Next stage, we tried to create two types (before and after the app exist) of Customer Journey

Customer Journey for Dinescape

Furthermore, Fahmi and I worked for User Flow on draw.io

User Journey for Dinescape

Almost done, Iman sketched the storyboard based on rough wireframe low-fi as well as the logo.

Storyboard for Dinescape
Logo for Dinescape

Finally, we introduce you prototype of Dinescape!

Dinescape prototype

Thank you for stopping by!



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