Kedesa, Post Pandemic Travel Innovation from and for Indonesia.

5 min readDec 31, 2020


Covid-19 pandemic brings such a huge impact in the various vital industries.

This is my story of learning to create the new application named ‘Kedesa’.

Welcome to ‘Kedesa’

My Role:
This project took place around October - November 2020 supervised by Herru Adi Vian (Mr) to accomplish the assignment at Purwadhika Startup & Digital School. I was part of a small team with Gabriella Tania & Iman Kurniawan who supported on testing, copywriting and interface matter.
On this project, I was in charge for the concept, ideation, research, visual photography (not all), copywriting (not all) and testing (not all).

Problem Statement:
To survive in the uncertain pandemic situation, humans urge to adapt swiftly with new changes. Inspired by writer’s experience doing KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) in Universitas Padjadjaran back in 2014 to rebuild harmonized interaction between humans with natural resources such as water and electricity as our daily basic needs.

To manage the supply and demand, collaboration with other related industries like local tourism and eco-education and digital communication are inevitable. The forms of collaboration are by developing great potential in villages on utilising water as the renewable resources also encouraging young generation to discover it through digital platform, Kedesa.

The Approach:
Prior the research, firstly, participant criteria need to set with several points as follows:

  • Have water & electricity supply at their accommodation
  • Aware with environmental issues
  • Enjoy traveling
  • Patient
  • Tech savvy
  • Productive-age
  • Indonesian citizen

Research Phase:

1. Qualitative & Quantitative

To access the potential users, I conducted the research through online form within 3 days (Oct 6-9th 2020) with 26 queries and obtained 12 respondents from various backgrounds. From this stage, I put 4 objectives as follows:

  • Mengetahui profil pengguna/User profiling
  • Mengetahui kebiasaan pemakaian air & listrik/Understanding water & electricity user habits
  • Mengetahui preferensi kegiatan mentoring/Understanding mentoring preferences activity
  • Mengetahui motivasi dan media pembelajaran yang diminati oleh user/Understanding motivation & preference learning platform

2. Affinity Map
Based on objectives above, I tried to mark several HMW & Ideations as mentioned below:

First Objective (Q1-Q2) for Kedesa
Second Objective (Q3-Q10) for Kedesa
Third Objective (Q11–20) for Kedesa
Final Objective (Q21–26) for Kedesa

3. 2x2 Matrix
As seen below, 7 ideations were concluded as Important to business and Important to user.

2x2 Matrix for Kedesa

The Discovery:
Insights from the process above indicated that the needs of travel was quite high especially among young people. To improve the awareness, I tried to see two cents and gather info as follows:

Above informed that rural area could be a new travel option considering the distance and current issues. Whilst below information contained another cent from higher hierarchy with longer experience in related fields.

Technical Framework:
To ease the process, I tried to divide it into three steps:
Registration, Approval and Departure Page.

Subsequently, framework has been tested on Maze Design within four days (Nov 15 - 19th 2020) with the result as follows:

Sign in Screen for Kedesa. Photo by acitradelita.

Quite probably, due too long process at this stage, average time spent from 9 testers was only 3.6s

Secondly, at the second frame, 7 testers continued at this stage, averagely spent 15.6s with 100% average success

Lastly, from 6 testers spent 3.4s in terms of average duration with 33% average success. This happened perhaps due to too many interface options that might mislead them to complete the task.

Final Design:

Kedesa Prototype

On the last testing date, Nov 19th 2020, the writer received several constructive recommendations from testers to help this app perform much better.

  • Automatic OTP on registration stage
  • Make simple feature/button for user while choosing the program
  • Summarise information including Contact Person on e-ticket for user

Aplikasinya gampang. So far so good proses secara experience. Secara aplikasi udah oke. Beneran jadi ga nih appnya? kalo perjalanannya beneran seru mau di rekomendasiin. Oleh: G

Ga semua org terbiasa dg interface kayak gitu. Bisa direkomendasikan ke temen2 yg suka naik gunung/preferensi yang sama. Sesimple & jangan banyak pilihan. Oleh: I

Warna di desain masih dikit, kurang keliatan perbedaan desainnya, notificationnya, wordingnya. Kurang merekomendasikan aplikasi ini untuk orang lain karena buat apa kedesa pake app? Masih belum ada yang mendukung. Preparation untuk keberangkatannya bagaimana? Alasan top picks atau referensi bedasarkan apa? Bisa karena siapa yang habis darisana atau referensi. Oleh: L

Writer hopes Kedesa could be an innovation for Indonesia to solve the current problem by asking related stakeholders to unite in one language, aim and for humanity.

Thank you for reading, any constructive ideas are welcomed.



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