Nobar on Netflix, sounds good to you?
Moviegoers, what’s better than going to the cinema after a long tiring day? But in this current situation what are you gonna do to feel the same? Connect digitally and Nobar together on Netflix, maybe?

Redesigning Netflix was the second dummy project at Purwadhika Startup & Coding School started on 13 August 2020, I was part of a small group together with Gabriella Tania & Loriana Loriana. Supervised directly by Herru Adi Vian.
First thing first, we set the Goal of the Study, the primary goal was to create new behavior in terms of watching movies together digitally. Two other optional goals were watching premiere movies easily on Netflix (this was my ideation with consideration when-pandemic-will-be-over-is-such-a-big-mistery) and adding an optional watching schedule to help user manage their watching time.
Study methods we used for this were Qualitative, Quantitative and Comparative Research from six competitors. Considering Netflix user are quite wide, expected amount of participant was 21 with six criteria:
Before creating a question list, we gather information from other six competitors. I was responsible for researching two platforms (Vidio & Go Play), at the same time I also created the format table as follows:
At this stage, 18 questions lists has been made with 5 objectives (User Behavior, Social Digital Behavior, Digital Meeting Platform Behavior, User Behavior before and after Pandemic and One Suggestion to Improve Experience Quality Using Netflix).
According to interview research, most users were really excited about ‘Nobar’ feature with minimum virtual interaction. Other input we heard from them were..
- Netflix need to expand their collection not only Hollywood but from other regions as well (e.g.: festival movie, anime, etc)
- Movie recommendation features under similar genre. This is suitable for binge-watch user!
- Share screen feature
Unfortunately, since this research was conducted in mid August 2020. My second ideation about Premiere Movie was not getting much attention as well as the third optional goal by Loriana. So we were focusing on those three points above and conclude to redesign the prototype of Netflix

So, what do you think? Thanks for stopping by by the way!