(Redesign) Healthier Instagram Homepage

Have you ever thought that social media lately really consume your time and drain your energy? Have your hand stick to your smartphone for virtual attention?

2 min readFeb 7, 2021

This is writer’s personal small task story about redesign challenge (one hour time accomplishment) at Purwadhika Startup & Coding School on September 21st 2020, supervised directly by Herru Adi Vian.

Picture Source: Metro.co.uk

Knowing Instagram is the worst social media among others refer to article posted on TIME which might cause anxiety, depression, bullying and FOMO also the fact that in Indonesia, according to CNBC article, followers and likers are such an effortless promising online business.

This triggered me to put more attention on Instagram Story for this task as the latest develop feature and highest usage consideration.

To help user define their current state, writer was trying to minimize the features on the homepage as follows:

a. Instagram Story

b. Direct Message re-placement

c. Remove likes icon and replace with Auto reaction

Redesign Instagram Homepage before & after

As mentioned above, inside red box is writer’s ideation sort based on a-b-c.

a. Current Instagram Story design represent user’s profile picture only while writer tried to add How’s your feeling (smile, so-so, sad) so that user could easily choose to represent their current state and user’s followers (and Instagram) might also recognise if certain user really need help only by seeing their Instagram Story icon.

b. On the right side, I put Direct Message instead with similar goal in each posting. This is also to help each user reaching out each other directly.

c. Lastly, this feature also quite important in writer’s opinion, refer to the impact of mental health, like-Direct Message icon were replaced by Auto reaction.

Through this small personal task, writer hope social media also could consider any side effect of increase feature and usage especially during this pandemic season. Thank you for stopping by and read this article!



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